Pathology is the branch of medicine that studies the nature and causes of diseases. It is quite important in our daily lives. It is the foundation of all aspects of medicine, from diagnostic testing and chronic disease monitoring to cutting-edge genetic research and blood transfusion technology.Body tissue, blood, and other bodily fluids are sampled, tested, and analysed to help determine health and disease.
- Detection of a disease's proclivity to develop
- disease/condition diagnosis
- determining the source or severity of the condition tracking
- the course of the disease tracking the impact of treatment
Pathology is the branch of medicine that studies the nature and causes of diseases.
It is quite important in our daily life. It is the foundation of all aspects of medicine,
from diagnostic testing and chronic disease monitoring to cutting-edge genetic research
and blood transfusion technology.Clinical biochemistry, clinical chemistry, and medical
biochemistry are all terms used to describe chemical pathology. It's a branch of pathology
that deals with the laboratory analysis and interpretation of biochemical tests in the
diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. Chemical pathology is critical in the diagnosis
and therapy of common diseases like diabetes, lipid disorders, and renal disease, among
The quality assurance and reliability of tests and outcomes are important aspects of this endeavour.
Chemical pathologists work as part of multidisciplinary teams in hospitals, assisting with the diagnosis,
monitoring, and care of patients suffering from a variety of metabolic disorders.